Sunday, March 20, 2016

Kids go Skiing

So as many of you know from my last post I am an uncle.  Many of you may think that it is weird because all of your uncles are thirty or older.  Well anyway,  I have found that it is pretty awesome to be an uncle all of the kids look up to you and think you are so cool and also they love the attention they get from you.

Well anyway, from being a cool uncle I decided to take the kids up skiing.  Turns out they are naturals.  I was so proud of little Connor who made it up on the bunny hill at Canyons (Park City) called High Meadows.  He only fell once and came back up with snow all over his face but was laughing, which I guess is a good thing.  It's a funny thing that my sister Sarah pointed out is when a kid gets hurt, people tend to cheer them and get loud so that they don't go crying, I guess that is true.  Besides that he did awesome.  Also it made me so happy that he was proud to be a skier, we would tell him to say it loud and proud and he would yell "I'M A SKIIER!" made all of us laugh.

Connor hitting up the slopes.

Also there is Olivia, she was doing well too.  She was really proud of herself when she was able to do the whole run by herself.  So was everyone else.  Soon we all got hungry and so did Olivia they kind of became snooty and just wanted to complain and complain.  So when they got that way we decided it was time to get some french fries.  Funny story about french fries was that the deal was when I was younger if I could go skiing for a little bit we would get some french fries.  Which made me want to go because they have some pretty good french fries up there.  Anyway we all had lots of fun.  The truth is that it is really fun to become an uncle and if you do you will have lots of fun.  Especially if you have cute nieces and nephews that like to do what you do and love it also.

In Conclusion,  skiing is pretty fun even if you aren't an uncle or an aunt you can still have fun with all your buddies but if you do have a niece or a nephew or a cousin or any other type of extended family take them up skiing.  Even if they are not good at it at first, I promise they will definitely get better as the days go on.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

What is it like to be an Uncle? (Round 3)

Many people may wonder what it is like to be an Uncle.  Well,  I being somewhat involved in this field can tell you.  As some of you may know.  I have one nephew and now two nieces.  It has been pretty interesting, let me tell you.  Well today March 7th 2016 marks my day of becoming an uncle for the third time.  It really is fun to watch the little kids grow up.  Especially for me because I being the youngest never got to see my brothers and sisters grow up.

I still remember the day that my sister had her first child: Olivia.  I was called down to the office that day in fifth grade (September/22/2012) scared that I had gotten in trouble somehow.  On a side note I have always gotten fearful of getting called down to the office for the fact of getting yelled at by the principal.  Anyways I grabbed my binder and books slowly and went to my locker and grabbed my bag walked down the hall way, my face pale.  It lit up when I saw my dad though my face refilled with color.  I asked him why I was being checked out because it was so rare for me.  He said "Jessica had her baby!" My face lit up with excitement.  I was so happy to become an uncle.  When we got there my sister basically quarantined us to make sure that Olivia did not get sick.  We probably spent hours there, until eight or nine.  We all passed around the new miracle of life. 
Olivia about one year.
Creds My Mom.
Secondly, there was Connor.  Connor was the one that we did not see until a few days later.  Luckily, with him, he was born in the summer and I did not have the anxiety of answering the phone.  We were all so excited to go see him.  With a hop, skip, and a jump we were in the car.  He was a pretty big kid when we all saw him.  I remember my mom telling Jessica that we needed a picture as soon as Olivia and Connor were the same size.  It wasn't long until we got that picture.  I also remember when I held him I felt like I was going to throw him over my shoulders because he was so light.  
This little bundle of joy at about a year and a half
Creds to my sister.
Lastly, but defiantly not the least we have Evelyn.  The new baby that is about one day and about seven hours old as of right now (10:19pm). She obviously will be the freshest in my brain as how I saw her just yesterday.  So what happened was we pulled up to the University Hospital and parked.  We saw my brother Joshua and chased him and waited for him to park, he hopped out of his car and said "I call first dibs."  None of us complained, especially not me because I knew if I was the last to hold the baby I would hold her the longest.  I was kind of rushing to the room (I don't know why, I've held plenty of babies in my life) and when we got there to sign in they told us we had to where doctor masks because of sickness going around, even though I had my immunization papers.  We got there and saw Olivia and Connor just leaving and Connor said very tenderly "Bye-bye baby Evelyn."

Little Evelyn
Creds: Mom
Evelyn and I
Creds: Mom

I finally know why I wanted to get to the room so badly.  It was because there is something magical about holding something so small and precious that you just need to get more.

In the end what I would just like to say is that if you become an uncle or an aunt you will love the feeling of holding something so small like that in your arms.  It makes you want to smile and never let go.