Sunday, March 20, 2016

Kids go Skiing

So as many of you know from my last post I am an uncle.  Many of you may think that it is weird because all of your uncles are thirty or older.  Well anyway,  I have found that it is pretty awesome to be an uncle all of the kids look up to you and think you are so cool and also they love the attention they get from you.

Well anyway, from being a cool uncle I decided to take the kids up skiing.  Turns out they are naturals.  I was so proud of little Connor who made it up on the bunny hill at Canyons (Park City) called High Meadows.  He only fell once and came back up with snow all over his face but was laughing, which I guess is a good thing.  It's a funny thing that my sister Sarah pointed out is when a kid gets hurt, people tend to cheer them and get loud so that they don't go crying, I guess that is true.  Besides that he did awesome.  Also it made me so happy that he was proud to be a skier, we would tell him to say it loud and proud and he would yell "I'M A SKIIER!" made all of us laugh.

Connor hitting up the slopes.

Also there is Olivia, she was doing well too.  She was really proud of herself when she was able to do the whole run by herself.  So was everyone else.  Soon we all got hungry and so did Olivia they kind of became snooty and just wanted to complain and complain.  So when they got that way we decided it was time to get some french fries.  Funny story about french fries was that the deal was when I was younger if I could go skiing for a little bit we would get some french fries.  Which made me want to go because they have some pretty good french fries up there.  Anyway we all had lots of fun.  The truth is that it is really fun to become an uncle and if you do you will have lots of fun.  Especially if you have cute nieces and nephews that like to do what you do and love it also.

In Conclusion,  skiing is pretty fun even if you aren't an uncle or an aunt you can still have fun with all your buddies but if you do have a niece or a nephew or a cousin or any other type of extended family take them up skiing.  Even if they are not good at it at first, I promise they will definitely get better as the days go on.

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