Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Hey everyone!

First of all I would just like to welcome you to my blog!  Well, I have finally decided my blog will be almost like a journal, and I would like to record my thoughts and what happened pretty recently in my life, but only things that would be appropriate to share with anyone.  Speaking on the subject of what would be appropriate to share online with people, I feel that this world is so technology based. Don't get me wrong and jump to the conclusion that I think that the internet is a terrible thing, because in many ways it is quite a blissful thing that makes our lives easier in so many ways. Any way back to what I was saying, I feel that our lives our so centered around the internet and blogging and posting just about anything that we want or can to, when in reality we should not be posting these things.  I mean it is so simple for someone to find our blogs click on it, and read all about our lives.  Many of the things that we post on blogs and anywhere else on social media has to much information.  I mean people have lost their jobs and other terrible things have come across because people will post images or other words that could be catastrophic  to others lives.  So this being my first post I challenge EVERYONE reading this to NOT post personal information or damaging photos or words that could hurt others. 

Off of that note now.  Well anyway I was also thinking about how amazing this world of man has come to be.  It is truly amazing what people have invented and what we have been able to learn because just think about it, we have something in the palm of our hands that is able to find almost anything that you want at the click of a button.  Really truly amazing, but my personal favorite is the long-board.  I love to long-board.  I personally am fond of it better than skate boarding because you have a smoother ride and you get to downhill swifter.  Here is my long-board that I ride.

Jaseboard Drop a discontinued board but you can look at other boards here
Picture courtesy of Jaseboards.com

Lastly, as another athletic thing I love and enjoy to ski.  There is someone I know named Jackson and he is an older fellow and he as a ski shop that I love to go to because he will let me rent and demo skis for him.  But any way one of the biggest reasons that I ski is because I am the youngest of six, and I started skiing since I was able to walk, and I love my parents for teaching me how to ski.  I have always been into alpine skiing but I have soon been able to learn how to cross country ski and have been going into the park.  My dad also is pretty cool because if I am able to keep my grades up he lets me ditch (Shhhhh… don’t tell.) 

All in all I want to share things that are appropriate, I love to longboard, and love to ski.

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