Tuesday, September 29, 2015

As the Nightmare Comes to a Close

Well hello again everyone!

Well over the past year we have had so much problems for one my mom broke both of her arms when we were doing "Spring Cleaning."  We were doing work outside to get some of the dead grass up, and remove dandy lions.  (Honestly, I don't see how they are so "dandy.")  But anyway you get the gist of it.  So my mom was on the front porch and she turned around and slipped, then fell.  The doctor's said that she knocked the ice cream off of the cone. She soon healed but had to get a plate put in.  She now has all of the rotation back in her hand and can't even tell that she has the plate in.
Knocking the Ice Cream off of the Cone.

 Secondly,  we have one huge nightmare that happened about a year ago.  The monster flood.  Okay so, what happened was my mom, dad, sister, and brother-in-law all went out to go and see a play that was put on.  So my sister and I had the lucky opportunity to go and babysit my Niece (Olivia) and my Nephew (Connor).  I really love to go and see them, but that night I had a strong feeling not to go to babysit, but my parents said that it would be okay and that nothing would happen.  Oh no no no, that is possibly the only time that they have been wrong in my entire life.

So begrudgingly I went to go babysit.  Later, the Schwan's delivery man whom from my dad will by ice cream from every now and again. (FYI their ice cream sandwiches are the best.)  Luckily, he came to the house to see if we were home and if dad needed to stock back up on his ice cream.  He saw water coming down from the light fixtures in the front, and thought, "Wow these Park City people really have some cool water features!"  (Just kidding that is something my dad will say because he thinks it is hilarious...)  Well anyway he went over to our neighbor and asked for my dad's phone number, and he was kind of skeptical to give it to him.  But the Schwan's man said that there was water splashing up against the window and coming out of the light fixture in the front.  Then, he said okay well I will call him, and so he did and we told him how to get in and, he said that there was probably three inches of water on the floors, and it had all started from the toilet supply line that was up in the master bathroom, and we had been gone about three hours.

Well anyway we got there and we called a company that is supposed to help you with floods and cleaning up disasters in Utah. (They shall remain nameless. I'll call them the happy company.)  So anyway they cut small holes in the ceilings and there was so much water in the house, but the happy company decided that they were tired and did not want to work much harder so they put sixteen loud flood fans and three dehumidifiers in our house from all of the sounds happening in our house it was like living in a wind tunnel, it was impossible to even hear yourself think.  But then we started to take out drywall and we would have mini floods.

  There was still so much water in the house.  Also apparently it takes three days for mold to grow and guess what it started to grow! So eventually we moved out of our house and we moved to the West Gate hotel up in the Canyons, and it was really weird because hotels are for vacationing not for flood victims, so Rachel and I would still get up at 6:00a.m because we had to go to school.  If we saw people in the hall though that would be the weirdest thing because they would see us, teenagers that would prefer sleeping in till five wearing backpacks.  And they would be all like "So where you headed off to?" and in reply we would say "School."  They always seemed shocked to hear that.

  But it was pretty cool to stay there because free pool and other fun things. But eventually we moved to a condo and have been staying there for a while, (a year is a while right?)  But now it seems things are moving faster and we are tomorrow (September 30 2015) going to move in to our house or another cheaper condo.  Well we will see.  Hope the nightmare ends soon.

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