Sunday, December 27, 2015

What is it like to be a Holiday Baby?

As the title questions, and you may be asking, what is it like to be a holiday baby?  Well, I being one of these can explain.  First, imagine that you see gifts for your birthday, and say it is Christmas time. Times your birthday gifts by two, then eliminate half of what you see.  That is one of the many horrors of being a holiday baby. 
Thanks to Unbashdly

The following stories contain people that have Holibirths.

First, is about my father, he was born on the twenty-first of June nine-teen fifty-seven.  Can you guess what holiday is very close to his birthday?  You guessed it, Father's Day.   Now flash back to Bed Bath and Beyond and little Matthew about ten years in age that is running up and down isles screaming while his mother is hustling to find Matthew a birthday present (and fathers day present) for his dad.  Well as you might guess my mom found the perfect gift the Ped-Egg. The cheese grater foot massager.  I mean it was a foot massager but on the little television that shows the magic of the Ped-Egg they were cutting cheese. Little Matthew was very excited to shred cheese when he got home. On the way home Matthew expressed his feelings to his mom. She said we had to wrap it and give it to dad strait away. Well, anyway when we got back to the house I wrapped it up with my magical ten year old wrapping skills and gave it to my dad.  I told him it was for his birthday and Father's Day, he smiled on the outside but knew he was dying on the inside.

 Matthew (a 14 and 12 hours old Matthew to be exact) was dining at the fine establishment called Full House.  Full House is probably my favorite place to eat Chinese food.  (Mikelle can attest that I love Chinese.) While I was eating my Sweet-'n'-Sour Chicken.  I suddenly heard my mom's cell phone ring.  I simply thought that it was nothing and kept to myself eating my chicken.  I only knew it was something big when my mom about dropped her phone into her wonton soup.  She exclaimed "Sarah is engaged to Tanner!" I spewed out my chicken and looked at her and said "What?!" I was happy for her but also dying on the inside because I knew the rest of the night was going to be about her, and questions would be asked like "How big is the diamond?" and "When's the wedding?" Wow, way to steal the show Tanner. You owe me. Big time.

To conclude if someone has a birthday on a holiday, I have two pieces of advice. 1.) DO NOT give them a gift that "counts for their birthday and the holiday that is so close", and 2.) DO NOT propose to their sister the night of their birthday.  Not cool man, not cool.

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