Saturday, January 2, 2016

New Year's Eve Time and Time again.

New Year's Eve is possibly the only holiday that is celebrated on its eve rather than the actual holiday, and possibly the only holidays that is celebrated by everyone, of every religion, around the world.

Well, anyway if you are not of this world and you are reading my blog may I say, "We come in peace." Also, if you are curious as to what New Year's Eve is; it is the last night of the year where you stay up until midnight (or at least try to). Around the hours of eight to midnight you are supposed to live life up like you never had before, but me being me I will probably never experience wild parties rather, I will be sleeping on your couch.

For example, two days ago (New Year's Eve) there was a dance going on and I was invited. Oh, the excitement rush I was having!  I was wanting to go because friends of mine had texted me asking if I was going to the dance tonight.  I questioned "There is a dance?" Later, they sent me a photo of the flyer.  It started at eight and lasted till twelve thirty A.M.  There was supposed to be a bull ride, and laser  tagging.  We got there around nine and it was below my expectations of what laser tagging and a dance should look like.  The laser tagging was in bright, florescent lights, and there were probably three people on the dance floor flailing their arms in the air like they just did not care.  We found a gym that had a volleyball court set up played there until the pizza came, ate some, and left.

If I Stay, the hipster teen drama that did not interest me. (Creds Den of Geek)
Eventually, we arrived to Sophie's house, and watched If I Stay. The hipster teen drama. I didn't really get into it and went to my normal tradition for New Year's Eve, sleeping.  I was sleeping for about an hour before Rachel decided that one A.M. was the appropriate time to leave.  I was quite confused and had a dazed look on my face and wanted to say "just let me sleep here."  I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have minded for the fact that Sophie's dad is my homie.

Well, if there is anything to learn from this post, don't get excited over teen dances, cause even when you walk in, the party never starts. Also, if you are watching a teen drama that does not apply to your life and you're not interested.  Get on the magical carpet ride of sleep, that can show you the coolest, weirdest, most horrifying things in your life.

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