Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Hi name is Matthew and today I have discovered that I am a Nutella addict.  Well anyway all joking aside, I freaking love this stuff, it is like the Gods have given us a divine food that they have an abundance of.  (It must be manna.)   The funny thing is, is that I would see things like these, all the time.
Credit to funzypics.com
 I could never understand things like this because one time I tried Nutella and I thought that it was really disgusting and how could people like something like this it is really terrible, but then today I gave Nutella another chance.  This go round it was wonderful it was like looking into a completely different world full of chocolate, and hazelnuts and milk.  They were all holding hands and then I mixed them all together and ate them.  Glorious.  The only problem is one bite isn't enough you need more you would kill for more.  There is a sudden blood lust for the Nutella.  This Viner puts the feelings I felt into six seconds.

Well, because we are talking about addictions there is another  thing that I have to confess.  I have a stuffed animal named Slush and he is a husky and has been my friend through thick and thin he was my Hobbes and I his Calvin.  When they first start out though they are soft like this.
Creds go to thornwolf.livejournal.com 
and then they end up like this, (after loving them for 13 years.)
Creds go to MOI

I still remember the story of how I got him like it was yesterday (although it may be brief.) Well my mom had told us that if we behaved we could go to the Red Balloon toy store down in Salt Lake so my sister and I behaved like angels.  When we got there late at night my mom said that we could pick one toy and we would go home.  So when I was exploring around in the store this little guy caught my eye and I rushed and went to go tell my mom what I found, and when I got her there she looked at it and thought that it was cute but then looked at the price tag and thought that twenty dollars was to much for this little fellow.  And being three I sat down on the floor and began to weep softly.  Still my mom was not convinced.  But my loving sister being about six at the time came to my rescue and somehow convinced my mom.  I must have fallen asleep on the floor because I can't remember much of the rest but then I walked out of there with this guy and he has gone to Hawaii and back with me.  Well to me this seems like it is enough embarrassment for one person to have in one day, but anyway just to recap I have two dark secrets, Nutella is easily an addictive substance and sisters are pretty cool when they get you what you want.  I guess you could say the moral of the story is that sisters are cool.

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