Saturday, November 21, 2015

Is Skiing in Park City Going to Stay the Same?

Hello everyone, well as everyone knows PCMR and the Canyons have decided to become one big resort.  Also, today was opening day.  I went up today to go skiing with my sister Rachel and brother Joshua.  Today was very interesting, lines were unusually long.  I have a strange feeling that skiing in Park City is going to stay the same.  There is someone that I know that works for Vale and he says that Park City is not going to be the same, he claims it will become a "Vail town".  What he means by Vail town is that we are going to have people coming from all over the world just to ski here, and because we have this corrupted government that is so greedy they are going to start charging twenty bucks for one car to park in their parking lot.
Image Creds to ParkCityPeaks
Although,  I really love Park City for its beautiful scenery and all that it has to offer, I hate the fact that Park City is becoming a Vail town.  Do we really want Sundance traffic all year here?  I don't think so.

Also, we are going to have people here that don't know how to ski.  Now I know that this sounds a little hypocritical because we all are still learning.  The problem that I am showing is that we have beginners going on expert run.   I remember getting off of a lift and there was a beginner just shredding down without any control whatsoever.  He did not know how to turn and then he went on top of me and popped off one of my skis and then I fell and and my leg bent the wrong way and it got a terrible sprain, I was pretty lucky though.

Another story also is that my brothers friend Tyler went up skiing and he said that when he went up there to go skiing that they were some beginners there and he was trying to pass them and they cut him off and it popped off his ski and it hyper extended his leg up to touch his thigh.

I'm not totally sure that Park City is going to be the same. 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Andrew's and Sam's Excellent Adventures

(Andrew and Connor Creds to my sister.)
So, as some of you know I come from a rather large family of six.  And the person I would like to talk about to day is Andrew.  Andrew is a pretty cool kid and with his permission I would like to introduce him to you guys.Well, anyway to get to the point, i'm going to share some stories and adventures about Andrew that he has told me.  So grab the popcorn and curl up in a blanket and sip some tea, because you are about to go on one wild ride. (These stories might include Andrew and his friends, they are not fully centered around Andrew.)

The first story I would like to share with you includes the characters: Sam Taggert, Andrew, and Mr. McNaughton (he was Treasure Mountains old principal, and so play the Sarah McLaughlin music.) So anyway when My brother Andrew was very young he was quite the trouble maker, and he earned the nickname the weasel because he got what ever he wanted. So by getting what ever he wanted was the problem at school because he thought he could do what ever he wanted.  So, one night he and Sam decided to stay late at school that night about four o'clock.  They started to do some weird things like roll under the school lunch tables, and also they tried to open up at the stage, but that did not work out as they planned.  Well, sometime during these unnatural acts, they found Mr. McNaughton. They saw him and he saw them and they had that awkward stare at each-other then they booked it out of there.

Story number two starts with a very young Andrew and a very young Sam.  They were both in the second grade.  It was SSR or silent sustained reading, where you have a book and you must read that book for the amount of time that you have SSR.  Well, Andrew and Sam liked to sit in the keiva up against the filing cabinets, when it was very quiet and the only sound that you could hear was the occasional turning page, Sam's stomach started to grumble.  Then, when he released the beast,  it was so loud that it shook the filing cabinet started to shake.  Sam's face turned red and that was the last time that Andrew or Sam read near a filing cabinet. 

Well that is probably enough embarrassment for one day about two people.  

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Guys Night? Yes it Exists!

Well I just had the chance to go and have fun with all the guys in my family (Dad, Josh, Andrew, and Adam.)  It all started because Andrew wanted to go and have a guys night and then the girls could have a girls night.  It really wasn't planned that well and I had no idea about what was happening, because my quality crappy phone won't let me be part of group messages. My phone gives me enough to be able to be liking pictures on insta, but not enough to let me get the information that I really need to know.

Any way,  We headed up to Wolf Creek up in Ogden Valley, that was supper fun and by the time that we got there it was about six.  We got to the check-in and the girl at the front thought that it was good that some guys were getting away for a day, because she only ever sees girls coming in and getting away from home.  Which is weird because we were getting away from home and some other guys behind us at the check-in were all together so... i'm pretty sure that she was lying to us.  Well we got there and there was a place that we were planning to go to called the "Lone Star" and it was a saloon. And my dad thought that we could be put somewhere far away from the bar.  Far away from the bar to the management was another restaurant.  So that is what we did. Finally, we ended the night playing Phase 10, then, went to bed around twelve.

The next day, we woke up and we got up very slowly.  I was packing up the games and found that I had not played Scrabble in a very long time so Josh and I set it up and then quit when I had a Z and then my dad found himself drawn toward the game so we started playing in teams.  Then after getting bored with that, my brother Andrew and brother-in-law wanted to teach me poker.  So we played black jack and some real poker, as my dad cooked omelets for breakfast. (For any cops reading this blog we did not bet anything of value such as money. So I was being a good boy.)  We then packed up and drove for a while to somewhere and I can't tell you where because I fell asleep.
Yum Cupbop

When I did wake up I found that we were at my brother-in-laws house and then we headed to the Lifetime gym.  Andrew who is yolked, gave me some work out tips and tricks.  We stayed there for about an hour then we went to the Jazz game where they played the Timberwolves and they beat them 89-79 We left at the beginning of the fourth quarter because they were so far ahead, and plus we didn't want to get stuck in the traffic jam.  Oh, yeah i forgot to tell you that we had a Korean BBQ called Cupbop I would definitely eat there again.  Then we got home and I had deja vu for the rest of the night and earlier that Sunday morning.  I do not know why and I don't want to hear your comments about it.  So all in all, I think that it was pretty fun to do guys night, and if you haven't done that in your family I would highly suggest that you do.