Sunday, November 8, 2015

Guys Night? Yes it Exists!

Well I just had the chance to go and have fun with all the guys in my family (Dad, Josh, Andrew, and Adam.)  It all started because Andrew wanted to go and have a guys night and then the girls could have a girls night.  It really wasn't planned that well and I had no idea about what was happening, because my quality crappy phone won't let me be part of group messages. My phone gives me enough to be able to be liking pictures on insta, but not enough to let me get the information that I really need to know.

Any way,  We headed up to Wolf Creek up in Ogden Valley, that was supper fun and by the time that we got there it was about six.  We got to the check-in and the girl at the front thought that it was good that some guys were getting away for a day, because she only ever sees girls coming in and getting away from home.  Which is weird because we were getting away from home and some other guys behind us at the check-in were all together so... i'm pretty sure that she was lying to us.  Well we got there and there was a place that we were planning to go to called the "Lone Star" and it was a saloon. And my dad thought that we could be put somewhere far away from the bar.  Far away from the bar to the management was another restaurant.  So that is what we did. Finally, we ended the night playing Phase 10, then, went to bed around twelve.

The next day, we woke up and we got up very slowly.  I was packing up the games and found that I had not played Scrabble in a very long time so Josh and I set it up and then quit when I had a Z and then my dad found himself drawn toward the game so we started playing in teams.  Then after getting bored with that, my brother Andrew and brother-in-law wanted to teach me poker.  So we played black jack and some real poker, as my dad cooked omelets for breakfast. (For any cops reading this blog we did not bet anything of value such as money. So I was being a good boy.)  We then packed up and drove for a while to somewhere and I can't tell you where because I fell asleep.
Yum Cupbop

When I did wake up I found that we were at my brother-in-laws house and then we headed to the Lifetime gym.  Andrew who is yolked, gave me some work out tips and tricks.  We stayed there for about an hour then we went to the Jazz game where they played the Timberwolves and they beat them 89-79 We left at the beginning of the fourth quarter because they were so far ahead, and plus we didn't want to get stuck in the traffic jam.  Oh, yeah i forgot to tell you that we had a Korean BBQ called Cupbop I would definitely eat there again.  Then we got home and I had deja vu for the rest of the night and earlier that Sunday morning.  I do not know why and I don't want to hear your comments about it.  So all in all, I think that it was pretty fun to do guys night, and if you haven't done that in your family I would highly suggest that you do.

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