Sunday, November 15, 2015

Andrew's and Sam's Excellent Adventures

(Andrew and Connor Creds to my sister.)
So, as some of you know I come from a rather large family of six.  And the person I would like to talk about to day is Andrew.  Andrew is a pretty cool kid and with his permission I would like to introduce him to you guys.Well, anyway to get to the point, i'm going to share some stories and adventures about Andrew that he has told me.  So grab the popcorn and curl up in a blanket and sip some tea, because you are about to go on one wild ride. (These stories might include Andrew and his friends, they are not fully centered around Andrew.)

The first story I would like to share with you includes the characters: Sam Taggert, Andrew, and Mr. McNaughton (he was Treasure Mountains old principal, and so play the Sarah McLaughlin music.) So anyway when My brother Andrew was very young he was quite the trouble maker, and he earned the nickname the weasel because he got what ever he wanted. So by getting what ever he wanted was the problem at school because he thought he could do what ever he wanted.  So, one night he and Sam decided to stay late at school that night about four o'clock.  They started to do some weird things like roll under the school lunch tables, and also they tried to open up at the stage, but that did not work out as they planned.  Well, sometime during these unnatural acts, they found Mr. McNaughton. They saw him and he saw them and they had that awkward stare at each-other then they booked it out of there.

Story number two starts with a very young Andrew and a very young Sam.  They were both in the second grade.  It was SSR or silent sustained reading, where you have a book and you must read that book for the amount of time that you have SSR.  Well, Andrew and Sam liked to sit in the keiva up against the filing cabinets, when it was very quiet and the only sound that you could hear was the occasional turning page, Sam's stomach started to grumble.  Then, when he released the beast,  it was so loud that it shook the filing cabinet started to shake.  Sam's face turned red and that was the last time that Andrew or Sam read near a filing cabinet. 

Well that is probably enough embarrassment for one day about two people.  

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