Saturday, November 21, 2015

Is Skiing in Park City Going to Stay the Same?

Hello everyone, well as everyone knows PCMR and the Canyons have decided to become one big resort.  Also, today was opening day.  I went up today to go skiing with my sister Rachel and brother Joshua.  Today was very interesting, lines were unusually long.  I have a strange feeling that skiing in Park City is going to stay the same.  There is someone that I know that works for Vale and he says that Park City is not going to be the same, he claims it will become a "Vail town".  What he means by Vail town is that we are going to have people coming from all over the world just to ski here, and because we have this corrupted government that is so greedy they are going to start charging twenty bucks for one car to park in their parking lot.
Image Creds to ParkCityPeaks
Although,  I really love Park City for its beautiful scenery and all that it has to offer, I hate the fact that Park City is becoming a Vail town.  Do we really want Sundance traffic all year here?  I don't think so.

Also, we are going to have people here that don't know how to ski.  Now I know that this sounds a little hypocritical because we all are still learning.  The problem that I am showing is that we have beginners going on expert run.   I remember getting off of a lift and there was a beginner just shredding down without any control whatsoever.  He did not know how to turn and then he went on top of me and popped off one of my skis and then I fell and and my leg bent the wrong way and it got a terrible sprain, I was pretty lucky though.

Another story also is that my brothers friend Tyler went up skiing and he said that when he went up there to go skiing that they were some beginners there and he was trying to pass them and they cut him off and it popped off his ski and it hyper extended his leg up to touch his thigh.

I'm not totally sure that Park City is going to be the same. 

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