Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Yay Trump (Just Kidding)

Who ever you are reading this, you should know that I have written a very prestigious rant about Trump, and how I would be a much better president than him.  I now will advise anyone reading my blog right now to reflect and think am I a avid Trump supporter?, or do I own a wealthy business?, or do I have a terrible comb over?  If you answer to any of these is yes I advise you please leave now.  (I will take a moment...) Now that I have my very select audience, please read on.

Now as you all know (if you are American) voting season is very close at hand and it seems like we already know who is going to be the candidate for the democrats and who will be the candidate for the republicans. Hillary and Trump. Now what we don't know is who is going to win.  But from the statistical outbreak that someone had calculated, Trump has about a ninety-nine percent chance that Trump will win if he is elected the delegate for the republican party, and this so called theory has only been wrong once.
Well played Trump, well played.
Creds to Oregon Live
Lets look at the facts though if he does win what are the chances that he will make this country so great?  The Simpsons even called it.  He would become our president and then would kill off the countries budget by this so called "Wall"  that he will build, he even wants to put the name Trump in gold. I don't think that this guy is financially structured, all he ever does is get what he wants.  
I think we are all going to die and the zombies will rise from the earth.
Creds: Your Daily Dish
Anyways, in the beginning everyone thought that it was a joke. Things can be funny when you are looking at it from a distance, but when you get up close it is terrifying.  Kind of like a clown far away in the circus it is funny.  Close up, and trying to kill you, not so funny.    I feel like the same thing is going to happen when Kanye is elected president.   Some might say that I am crazy to think that Kanye will ever get elected, but apparently anything is possible now.  Pigs and penguins will both fly.  

Anyway, to conclude, I honestly hope that America will become sane and know what is up and see that they are just igniting their own bomb.  In the words of my wise mother, "Trump is a big baby with a bad comb over!" or "Anyone who is voting for him is just plain stupid." Stay wise America, stay wise.  

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