Thursday, May 5, 2016

The Giver

Thanks to Amazon.
Hi everyone, as most of you know if you are a frequent visitor to my blog and have read all of my blog posts like my true loyal fans, I don't normally do this but from lack of ideas and it being so late, I thought that I should do a review and share my opinion of "The Giver".  Now if you don't have a copy of the book and after reading my review thought that you might like to purchase a copy of the book you can click on the words that are in blue (The Giver) and it will direct you to Amazon, where you can lose yourself looking for lots of books, or if you just want to borrow one from a friend or go the the library and find one that is okay too.

What I thought of The Giver:

I thought that The Giver was a really interesting book and that if you like to read stories like Hunger games or something like that this book would defiantly be for you.  I say this because it is set in the not to distant future and it is kind of a dystopian sci-fy novel.  Also if you like to read books that tend to be short in nature you might just want to think about it and give it a try.

Summary of the Giver:

Eleven year old Jonas lives in a protected community, where all things are perfect.  He later discovers that it is not quite the way he thought it was.  This is a coming of age story. 

In Jonas’ community everyone is the same, but Jonas is selected for a very special job, he is not the same.  He becomes the “Receiver of Memories,” and is taken to an old man’s house to learn the history of mankind and live as a hermit apart from the rest of his community.  He soon comes to realize that his community is deeply flawed, killing off the old, and the weak in a ceremony called “Releasing.”  He decides to abandon his home and take his baby brother Gabriel with him, so he will not be killed, for crying too much and being under weight.  Jonas learns that in order for a community to function they need to be tolerant of differences.  

I found this book to be really fun to read and is defiantly something that you could read in one night if you really tried but if you are anything like me you like to procrastinate and if you like to procrastinate you like to wait until the last minute to do things and the truth is it is not something that you should do very often because it will lead to problems later in life.  So I guess you could say that this whole summary took a different route and came with a life lesson that you should listen to (unlike most of my suggestions.)

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