Monday, May 30, 2016


Hello my fine citizens of where ever you live.  I am sure many of you have maybe tuned out because I have said I ended my blog in the last post, well I am here for you few you hopeful few that still want to read my blog.   Truth is I am going to continue.  Anyways without further delay, here is my topic.  Deforestation.

Now I know this is probably not a huge surprise to many of you, and many of you may know that there is lots of this going on out there, in the world.  There is a sad truth out there that many of us know about, that the rainforest and other places are being torn down and are being utilized for other things, such as houses or what not.  Many of you probably see the issue already: that we have too much CO2 in our atmosphere and we are killing ourselves and the planet too.   Now for some of you that are not reacting and are not worried about the world, here is an image that makes me worried and a little bit queasy.
Sad that we are destroying such a beautiful place.

It is sad that we have to go and watch this beautiful land be destroyed, and watch ourselves too be destroyed because we can't help ourselves and need to cut down all of these trees.    We have too much need of this and need to cut down on our waste because other wise we leave no future for any of our children, and their children. 

Some of you may be wondering what you can do.   You could go out and spread the word, and you could go and start recycling which we need to do because almost everything we use on this planet is limited, and we need to do something about it.  You can do very simple things such as riding your bike to school, or work, or a friends house, or take public transportation.  There are many alternatives on transportation and we can all help out.  We can also help by following the frog with our groceries to help us survive.  

All in all, the truth is, is that we need to follow the three R's (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) in order to see this planet grow for our children and for their children too!

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