Monday, May 9, 2016

The End

Well as most of us know school is ending for us here in Utah.  For most people this is probably a joyful occasion because no more school, or it could be a stressful time because seniors need to choose a collage.  It is probably pretty rough.  Anyway, with an end to a school year comes an end to a blog.
I have been requested by my wonderful English teacher to talk about three things.

• Where I had started my blogging journey.
• Where I am today.
• How I have grown as a result of this journey.

So with out further ado here we go.

Where I Started:

I started out as a strange reclusive blogger.  I don't feel like in the beginning I shared very much and I had no idea what I should for a blog, because it was new territory, and I felt like I was lost in the woods.  My first blog post was pretty much what I liked to do, who I am. (Without revealing too much information,)  and why I write this blog and what I would like to write.  I sometimes would struggle a lot because my blog had no specific theme, but other times when my family and I would go out to do something I thought was fun, or if I was thinking of something weird I would tend to go grab my laptop and start writing,  I would often look at others blogs to get my brain jogging.

Where I am Today:

So today I feel like I am at the stage where my blog is developed (maybe still developing,) but things are going along well.  I get my posts in on time which I would say is a plus.  I have more ideas and I just tend to write what is on my mind.  Such as when I wrote about the unicorn theory, or my newly found love, Nutella.  Also, I have gotten visitors from across the globe about my Trump stories.  Anyway, I love you guys.  (I hope I haven't offended you in anyway, and if I have, sorry.)

How Have I Grown:

At the beginning, I didn't really know what to write and what I should do.  Sometimes, it would take me forever just to come up with a blog post idea, then I would procrastinate, and I also would struggle with a lot in the beginning was finishing my posts, I would never really conclude, if anything I would put one sentence saying what I thought of something and end it right there.  Now I know and I am sure that I do have at least one closing paragraph and one opening paragraph and then a body.

Thanks to anybody that has ever visited my blog.  Let me know in the comments if I should continue or stop your suffering.
Creds: Warner Bros.
So, to conclude, I feel like I have grown a lot and have learned how to write better and I owe it all to Mr. Parker, the coolest ninth grade honors English teacher that anyone could ever have.  I will miss having him as a teacher!  He has really helped me grow and learn.  I feel more confident in my writing and reading skills after having him as a teacher.  Thanks!

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