Monday, May 30, 2016


Hello my fine citizens of where ever you live.  I am sure many of you have maybe tuned out because I have said I ended my blog in the last post, well I am here for you few you hopeful few that still want to read my blog.   Truth is I am going to continue.  Anyways without further delay, here is my topic.  Deforestation.

Now I know this is probably not a huge surprise to many of you, and many of you may know that there is lots of this going on out there, in the world.  There is a sad truth out there that many of us know about, that the rainforest and other places are being torn down and are being utilized for other things, such as houses or what not.  Many of you probably see the issue already: that we have too much CO2 in our atmosphere and we are killing ourselves and the planet too.   Now for some of you that are not reacting and are not worried about the world, here is an image that makes me worried and a little bit queasy.
Sad that we are destroying such a beautiful place.

It is sad that we have to go and watch this beautiful land be destroyed, and watch ourselves too be destroyed because we can't help ourselves and need to cut down all of these trees.    We have too much need of this and need to cut down on our waste because other wise we leave no future for any of our children, and their children. 

Some of you may be wondering what you can do.   You could go out and spread the word, and you could go and start recycling which we need to do because almost everything we use on this planet is limited, and we need to do something about it.  You can do very simple things such as riding your bike to school, or work, or a friends house, or take public transportation.  There are many alternatives on transportation and we can all help out.  We can also help by following the frog with our groceries to help us survive.  

All in all, the truth is, is that we need to follow the three R's (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) in order to see this planet grow for our children and for their children too!

Monday, May 9, 2016

The End

Well as most of us know school is ending for us here in Utah.  For most people this is probably a joyful occasion because no more school, or it could be a stressful time because seniors need to choose a collage.  It is probably pretty rough.  Anyway, with an end to a school year comes an end to a blog.
I have been requested by my wonderful English teacher to talk about three things.

• Where I had started my blogging journey.
• Where I am today.
• How I have grown as a result of this journey.

So with out further ado here we go.

Where I Started:

I started out as a strange reclusive blogger.  I don't feel like in the beginning I shared very much and I had no idea what I should for a blog, because it was new territory, and I felt like I was lost in the woods.  My first blog post was pretty much what I liked to do, who I am. (Without revealing too much information,)  and why I write this blog and what I would like to write.  I sometimes would struggle a lot because my blog had no specific theme, but other times when my family and I would go out to do something I thought was fun, or if I was thinking of something weird I would tend to go grab my laptop and start writing,  I would often look at others blogs to get my brain jogging.

Where I am Today:

So today I feel like I am at the stage where my blog is developed (maybe still developing,) but things are going along well.  I get my posts in on time which I would say is a plus.  I have more ideas and I just tend to write what is on my mind.  Such as when I wrote about the unicorn theory, or my newly found love, Nutella.  Also, I have gotten visitors from across the globe about my Trump stories.  Anyway, I love you guys.  (I hope I haven't offended you in anyway, and if I have, sorry.)

How Have I Grown:

At the beginning, I didn't really know what to write and what I should do.  Sometimes, it would take me forever just to come up with a blog post idea, then I would procrastinate, and I also would struggle with a lot in the beginning was finishing my posts, I would never really conclude, if anything I would put one sentence saying what I thought of something and end it right there.  Now I know and I am sure that I do have at least one closing paragraph and one opening paragraph and then a body.

Thanks to anybody that has ever visited my blog.  Let me know in the comments if I should continue or stop your suffering.
Creds: Warner Bros.
So, to conclude, I feel like I have grown a lot and have learned how to write better and I owe it all to Mr. Parker, the coolest ninth grade honors English teacher that anyone could ever have.  I will miss having him as a teacher!  He has really helped me grow and learn.  I feel more confident in my writing and reading skills after having him as a teacher.  Thanks!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

The Giver

Thanks to Amazon.
Hi everyone, as most of you know if you are a frequent visitor to my blog and have read all of my blog posts like my true loyal fans, I don't normally do this but from lack of ideas and it being so late, I thought that I should do a review and share my opinion of "The Giver".  Now if you don't have a copy of the book and after reading my review thought that you might like to purchase a copy of the book you can click on the words that are in blue (The Giver) and it will direct you to Amazon, where you can lose yourself looking for lots of books, or if you just want to borrow one from a friend or go the the library and find one that is okay too.

What I thought of The Giver:

I thought that The Giver was a really interesting book and that if you like to read stories like Hunger games or something like that this book would defiantly be for you.  I say this because it is set in the not to distant future and it is kind of a dystopian sci-fy novel.  Also if you like to read books that tend to be short in nature you might just want to think about it and give it a try.

Summary of the Giver:

Eleven year old Jonas lives in a protected community, where all things are perfect.  He later discovers that it is not quite the way he thought it was.  This is a coming of age story. 

In Jonas’ community everyone is the same, but Jonas is selected for a very special job, he is not the same.  He becomes the “Receiver of Memories,” and is taken to an old man’s house to learn the history of mankind and live as a hermit apart from the rest of his community.  He soon comes to realize that his community is deeply flawed, killing off the old, and the weak in a ceremony called “Releasing.”  He decides to abandon his home and take his baby brother Gabriel with him, so he will not be killed, for crying too much and being under weight.  Jonas learns that in order for a community to function they need to be tolerant of differences.  

I found this book to be really fun to read and is defiantly something that you could read in one night if you really tried but if you are anything like me you like to procrastinate and if you like to procrastinate you like to wait until the last minute to do things and the truth is it is not something that you should do very often because it will lead to problems later in life.  So I guess you could say that this whole summary took a different route and came with a life lesson that you should listen to (unlike most of my suggestions.)

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Yay Trump (Just Kidding)

Who ever you are reading this, you should know that I have written a very prestigious rant about Trump, and how I would be a much better president than him.  I now will advise anyone reading my blog right now to reflect and think am I a avid Trump supporter?, or do I own a wealthy business?, or do I have a terrible comb over?  If you answer to any of these is yes I advise you please leave now.  (I will take a moment...) Now that I have my very select audience, please read on.

Now as you all know (if you are American) voting season is very close at hand and it seems like we already know who is going to be the candidate for the democrats and who will be the candidate for the republicans. Hillary and Trump. Now what we don't know is who is going to win.  But from the statistical outbreak that someone had calculated, Trump has about a ninety-nine percent chance that Trump will win if he is elected the delegate for the republican party, and this so called theory has only been wrong once.
Well played Trump, well played.
Creds to Oregon Live
Lets look at the facts though if he does win what are the chances that he will make this country so great?  The Simpsons even called it.  He would become our president and then would kill off the countries budget by this so called "Wall"  that he will build, he even wants to put the name Trump in gold. I don't think that this guy is financially structured, all he ever does is get what he wants.  
I think we are all going to die and the zombies will rise from the earth.
Creds: Your Daily Dish
Anyways, in the beginning everyone thought that it was a joke. Things can be funny when you are looking at it from a distance, but when you get up close it is terrifying.  Kind of like a clown far away in the circus it is funny.  Close up, and trying to kill you, not so funny.    I feel like the same thing is going to happen when Kanye is elected president.   Some might say that I am crazy to think that Kanye will ever get elected, but apparently anything is possible now.  Pigs and penguins will both fly.  

Anyway, to conclude, I honestly hope that America will become sane and know what is up and see that they are just igniting their own bomb.  In the words of my wise mother, "Trump is a big baby with a bad comb over!" or "Anyone who is voting for him is just plain stupid." Stay wise America, stay wise.  

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Hello fellow Kanyestiltskins (Mikelle this is revenge.)  Well as most of you may or may not know I have a confession to make.  I run track.  Long Distance.  I know some of you are asking yourself why would you do that to your body?  Well, as it turns out I actually like running I didn't think that I would at first because I tried cross country and I barely survived I was kicking my self.  So what I did was not show up for cross country I had about zero incentive.

When I started track though, I was like this will certainly be easier. Turns out I was wrong.  I also was kicking myself in the back in the head.  Anyway,  it turns out that if your parents end up buying you fancy running stuff you have incentive.  That is exactly what happened it was like Santa Clause came early this year.  I was happy but kind of sad because I had to do it now.  I love it now though.   It is pretty fun.  Especially,  Steve.  He is the best coach because he actually knows if you are hurt and if you need to call it a day.  He also lets us eat his cereal in his classroom.

Steeeeeeeeeve is the best.
Well anyway besides that fact that Steve is a great coach he is a great motivator.  I remember back when I was a beginner so like five weeks ago.   He would always be telling me to keep going and he believed that I could keep going.  He is such and inspiration to us all.   But anyway besides the fact that Steve is an awesome person an coach,  I would say that track is an awesome sport and that people who want to do it should and it is a great way to stay in shape.

Although, there are many costs that may happen for example you may have issues with your feet, and also you might pull something but luckily there is Jared he is someone else that is really a good person because he will help you if there is something wrong with your anything.  Although, it is kind of intimidating when you need to go in there because sometimes he is getting mad at people because they are in there for no reason.  Thing is if you are doing what you need to do and you keep doing your stretches he will like you.

Anyway I think that if you want to do track, go for it!  I would do long distance though cause you know that is the best.  You might come across a few injuries but you should be able to get over that fairly quickly.  It should work out for you if you persevere.  Just keep going! Again if you are thinking don't think just go do it, then you can do cross country this summer.   

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Kids go Skiing

So as many of you know from my last post I am an uncle.  Many of you may think that it is weird because all of your uncles are thirty or older.  Well anyway,  I have found that it is pretty awesome to be an uncle all of the kids look up to you and think you are so cool and also they love the attention they get from you.

Well anyway, from being a cool uncle I decided to take the kids up skiing.  Turns out they are naturals.  I was so proud of little Connor who made it up on the bunny hill at Canyons (Park City) called High Meadows.  He only fell once and came back up with snow all over his face but was laughing, which I guess is a good thing.  It's a funny thing that my sister Sarah pointed out is when a kid gets hurt, people tend to cheer them and get loud so that they don't go crying, I guess that is true.  Besides that he did awesome.  Also it made me so happy that he was proud to be a skier, we would tell him to say it loud and proud and he would yell "I'M A SKIIER!" made all of us laugh.

Connor hitting up the slopes.

Also there is Olivia, she was doing well too.  She was really proud of herself when she was able to do the whole run by herself.  So was everyone else.  Soon we all got hungry and so did Olivia they kind of became snooty and just wanted to complain and complain.  So when they got that way we decided it was time to get some french fries.  Funny story about french fries was that the deal was when I was younger if I could go skiing for a little bit we would get some french fries.  Which made me want to go because they have some pretty good french fries up there.  Anyway we all had lots of fun.  The truth is that it is really fun to become an uncle and if you do you will have lots of fun.  Especially if you have cute nieces and nephews that like to do what you do and love it also.

In Conclusion,  skiing is pretty fun even if you aren't an uncle or an aunt you can still have fun with all your buddies but if you do have a niece or a nephew or a cousin or any other type of extended family take them up skiing.  Even if they are not good at it at first, I promise they will definitely get better as the days go on.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

What is it like to be an Uncle? (Round 3)

Many people may wonder what it is like to be an Uncle.  Well,  I being somewhat involved in this field can tell you.  As some of you may know.  I have one nephew and now two nieces.  It has been pretty interesting, let me tell you.  Well today March 7th 2016 marks my day of becoming an uncle for the third time.  It really is fun to watch the little kids grow up.  Especially for me because I being the youngest never got to see my brothers and sisters grow up.

I still remember the day that my sister had her first child: Olivia.  I was called down to the office that day in fifth grade (September/22/2012) scared that I had gotten in trouble somehow.  On a side note I have always gotten fearful of getting called down to the office for the fact of getting yelled at by the principal.  Anyways I grabbed my binder and books slowly and went to my locker and grabbed my bag walked down the hall way, my face pale.  It lit up when I saw my dad though my face refilled with color.  I asked him why I was being checked out because it was so rare for me.  He said "Jessica had her baby!" My face lit up with excitement.  I was so happy to become an uncle.  When we got there my sister basically quarantined us to make sure that Olivia did not get sick.  We probably spent hours there, until eight or nine.  We all passed around the new miracle of life. 
Olivia about one year.
Creds My Mom.
Secondly, there was Connor.  Connor was the one that we did not see until a few days later.  Luckily, with him, he was born in the summer and I did not have the anxiety of answering the phone.  We were all so excited to go see him.  With a hop, skip, and a jump we were in the car.  He was a pretty big kid when we all saw him.  I remember my mom telling Jessica that we needed a picture as soon as Olivia and Connor were the same size.  It wasn't long until we got that picture.  I also remember when I held him I felt like I was going to throw him over my shoulders because he was so light.  
This little bundle of joy at about a year and a half
Creds to my sister.
Lastly, but defiantly not the least we have Evelyn.  The new baby that is about one day and about seven hours old as of right now (10:19pm). She obviously will be the freshest in my brain as how I saw her just yesterday.  So what happened was we pulled up to the University Hospital and parked.  We saw my brother Joshua and chased him and waited for him to park, he hopped out of his car and said "I call first dibs."  None of us complained, especially not me because I knew if I was the last to hold the baby I would hold her the longest.  I was kind of rushing to the room (I don't know why, I've held plenty of babies in my life) and when we got there to sign in they told us we had to where doctor masks because of sickness going around, even though I had my immunization papers.  We got there and saw Olivia and Connor just leaving and Connor said very tenderly "Bye-bye baby Evelyn."

Little Evelyn
Creds: Mom
Evelyn and I
Creds: Mom

I finally know why I wanted to get to the room so badly.  It was because there is something magical about holding something so small and precious that you just need to get more.

In the end what I would just like to say is that if you become an uncle or an aunt you will love the feeling of holding something so small like that in your arms.  It makes you want to smile and never let go.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Unicorn Conspiracy

Many people have their own conspiracies about their favorite rock bands and what really happened to Paul McCartney actually being dead sometime before The Beatles broke up, and that if you reverse a Beatles song it will say "Paul is dead."  Some are cheery and some are sad.  I prefer to stick to the bright side of things,  we will be discussing a few factors that may have caused the Unicorns to go extinct. (If you would like to share your own feel free to mention it in the comments.)

The first conspiracy:

Many people know about the biblical story of Noah and the great flood. Well if you don't here is some background information before we start.   God thought that the world was becoming all too evil so he sent a great flood to wipe the entire world clean.  Only one person knew about it, and it was a man named Noah.  Noah tried to warn others and told them to change before God sent the flood.  None of them listened so Noah and his family were the only to survive, they built a huge ark that could fit all of the animals on it... or so he thought.

In our handy dandy bible dictionary, you will be able to find the word unicorn.  Unicorn is defined as a two horned ox, but the reason that people called it a unicorn is because when you look at if from the side it looks like it has one horn.  Now here is my conspiracy.  You know how unicorns are magical right?  They somehow missed out on the invite to the ark, so they used their magic to transform themselves into a giant whale creature,  but the magic that they used was so pure and strong they had to sacrifice one horn, by so doing they created the Narwhal.  Pretty believable right?

Second conspiracy:

Again following the same track of Noah and his ark, this time Noah screwed up.  While he was out collecting the animals and getting them to come to the ark,  he gathered two males not one male and female.
Conspiracy by Bytes.
Third and final conspiracy:

When ever I have gone to a sporting event or somewhere where you need tickets to get in, it seems as if there are always scalpers there.  People who bought tickets to sell them for three times the amount that you could buy them online.  They either buy them and sell them because they think that they are going to gain money or they just know that the they hate the NBA.  Either way,  the scalpers are expecting some form of currency.  Well this might have happened to the unicorns but they missed the scalpers tickets, because the skunks had just bought them.  
Brought to you by Mialitla.
  The problem lies with the fact that it would be freaking sweet to own one, and they don't live here on earth anymore.  Maybe it was Noah's fault, and maybe it was the unicorns fault, it still would be awesome if they were on earth.  My question is how do we get them back? Maybe through intensive cloning? Don't lie it would be pretty sweet.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Mr. John Mulaney

Dear, Mr. Mulaney

Hello and welcome to my blog (if you are reading it.)  I would like to introduce my self by saying, I am a fifteen year old white male.  And also I hope I don't scare you away by pointing out all of your flaws and leave you depressed that I was able to do that in so little time.  Anyway the reason that I write this blog is for you.

Truthfulness brought to you by: RLC
I first met you at thirteen.  I formed the habit of going to sleep to music and or some talk show.  I decided to shake things up a little by making a comedy radio on Pandora.  I typed in the only comedian I knew.  Brian Regan.  I really enjoyed some of his stuff but by Pandora being a radio you were the next person on the play list.  I thought that your comedy was hilarious.  I would try my hardest not to laugh, trying not to wake up the entire house.  I would laugh at all of your stories including the ones that made fun of my age group.  I would listen to you when ever I could.  I hope that this does not terrify you too much for the fact that your worst enemies are laughing at your job.

I write for you because you are what I hope to be one day some millionaire that gets paid just to talk to people and make sure that they laugh.  I want to be the one to look back on my life and make sure that it was funny.  I want to be able to tell people about my friend and I that would go to the Salt and Pepper diner and make people go crazy by listening to Tom Jones "What's New Pussycat, but also make them have tears of joy by listening to "It's Not Unusual."  And to also be the kid who makes the basketball team but just because they need a bench warmer.

This blog that I am writing is about my incidents that think could be getting a few laughs.   Also about my opinions that I have on things.  Such as current local events.  I think that you are my ideal reader and others would agree with me on this, because I talk about more random things about my life and what goes on inside my head, and more or less from what I know about you, that is what you do too.

I hope that you would enjoy my blog and not hate it.  I also would like to be somewhat like you and I hope that you read my blog and, agree with the fact that we are both random people.  All in all you're awesome and I hope I can have the same adventures as you, just maybe a little bit cleaner.


Saturday, January 2, 2016

New Year's Eve Time and Time again.

New Year's Eve is possibly the only holiday that is celebrated on its eve rather than the actual holiday, and possibly the only holidays that is celebrated by everyone, of every religion, around the world.

Well, anyway if you are not of this world and you are reading my blog may I say, "We come in peace." Also, if you are curious as to what New Year's Eve is; it is the last night of the year where you stay up until midnight (or at least try to). Around the hours of eight to midnight you are supposed to live life up like you never had before, but me being me I will probably never experience wild parties rather, I will be sleeping on your couch.

For example, two days ago (New Year's Eve) there was a dance going on and I was invited. Oh, the excitement rush I was having!  I was wanting to go because friends of mine had texted me asking if I was going to the dance tonight.  I questioned "There is a dance?" Later, they sent me a photo of the flyer.  It started at eight and lasted till twelve thirty A.M.  There was supposed to be a bull ride, and laser  tagging.  We got there around nine and it was below my expectations of what laser tagging and a dance should look like.  The laser tagging was in bright, florescent lights, and there were probably three people on the dance floor flailing their arms in the air like they just did not care.  We found a gym that had a volleyball court set up played there until the pizza came, ate some, and left.

If I Stay, the hipster teen drama that did not interest me. (Creds Den of Geek)
Eventually, we arrived to Sophie's house, and watched If I Stay. The hipster teen drama. I didn't really get into it and went to my normal tradition for New Year's Eve, sleeping.  I was sleeping for about an hour before Rachel decided that one A.M. was the appropriate time to leave.  I was quite confused and had a dazed look on my face and wanted to say "just let me sleep here."  I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have minded for the fact that Sophie's dad is my homie.

Well, if there is anything to learn from this post, don't get excited over teen dances, cause even when you walk in, the party never starts. Also, if you are watching a teen drama that does not apply to your life and you're not interested.  Get on the magical carpet ride of sleep, that can show you the coolest, weirdest, most horrifying things in your life.