Sunday, December 27, 2015

What is it like to be a Holiday Baby?

As the title questions, and you may be asking, what is it like to be a holiday baby?  Well, I being one of these can explain.  First, imagine that you see gifts for your birthday, and say it is Christmas time. Times your birthday gifts by two, then eliminate half of what you see.  That is one of the many horrors of being a holiday baby. 
Thanks to Unbashdly

The following stories contain people that have Holibirths.

First, is about my father, he was born on the twenty-first of June nine-teen fifty-seven.  Can you guess what holiday is very close to his birthday?  You guessed it, Father's Day.   Now flash back to Bed Bath and Beyond and little Matthew about ten years in age that is running up and down isles screaming while his mother is hustling to find Matthew a birthday present (and fathers day present) for his dad.  Well as you might guess my mom found the perfect gift the Ped-Egg. The cheese grater foot massager.  I mean it was a foot massager but on the little television that shows the magic of the Ped-Egg they were cutting cheese. Little Matthew was very excited to shred cheese when he got home. On the way home Matthew expressed his feelings to his mom. She said we had to wrap it and give it to dad strait away. Well, anyway when we got back to the house I wrapped it up with my magical ten year old wrapping skills and gave it to my dad.  I told him it was for his birthday and Father's Day, he smiled on the outside but knew he was dying on the inside.

 Matthew (a 14 and 12 hours old Matthew to be exact) was dining at the fine establishment called Full House.  Full House is probably my favorite place to eat Chinese food.  (Mikelle can attest that I love Chinese.) While I was eating my Sweet-'n'-Sour Chicken.  I suddenly heard my mom's cell phone ring.  I simply thought that it was nothing and kept to myself eating my chicken.  I only knew it was something big when my mom about dropped her phone into her wonton soup.  She exclaimed "Sarah is engaged to Tanner!" I spewed out my chicken and looked at her and said "What?!" I was happy for her but also dying on the inside because I knew the rest of the night was going to be about her, and questions would be asked like "How big is the diamond?" and "When's the wedding?" Wow, way to steal the show Tanner. You owe me. Big time.

To conclude if someone has a birthday on a holiday, I have two pieces of advice. 1.) DO NOT give them a gift that "counts for their birthday and the holiday that is so close", and 2.) DO NOT propose to their sister the night of their birthday.  Not cool man, not cool.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Sinterklaas? Who is that?

Hello magnificent Non-Dutch Citizen, and as you all don't know, Sinterklaas season is upon us.  Who or what is Sinterklaas you ask?  Let me explain.

Back before I was born, and my grandmother was a wee little lass,  on the fifth of December a man named Sinterklaas came on his grey horse.  He would ride all around town leaving gifts for the young boys and girls in their shoes.  Things like chocolates, and small candies, and he also brings one big gift just for you.  You may be asking "What does he do with the bad children."  Well, what I didn't tell you was that black pete would come with Sinterklaas too.  He would take all the bad boys and girls away in a sack, to Spain and make them his slaves/servants.  Honestly, I would take a free trip to Spain than stay in Utah all year.
Gangster Sinterklaas and Black Pete brought to you by Wikipedia

You may also be wondering, "Why in the world is Matthew writing about this."  Well, I have a confession to make... I'm part Dutch.  You see my grandmother who is full Dutch used to have all of her children and grandchildren come and be a part of the Sinterklaas party.  We would go and have a huge breakfast, and while eating breakfast parents would write in a notebook two things about each of the children in their family, one good thing and one bad thing, then, we would sing the words of Sinterklaas which are Sinterklaas kapoentje gooi wat in mijn schoente, breng wat in mijn laarsj, dankje Sinterkaasje. Which if you are wondering, translates into Nicholas remember us on five of December.  Fill our little shoe, do, Thank you, Saint Nicholas. (Thanks for the help grandma.) Then if my grandmother does not think that it is loud enough she makes us sing it once more.  Then Sinterklaas comes with Black Pete and brings children gifts.  (He doesn't really bring them, the parents do.  Yes I know i'm ruining the magic.)  When it is your turn, you go up and sit on Sinterklaas' lap, and he reads from the book out loud and every time he does, my grandma no matter who it is shouts "Put 'em in the sack!"  Thanks grandma.

Now grandma thought last year, the party was getting too big.  So she made an end to the tradition.  Now, we celebrate it with our immediate family. So my mom thought that it would be fun if my little niece and nephew come over to spend the night, and we are going to have some sort of Sinterklaas party.  I'm not sure how it will turn out.  Hopefully well.

Well now you have more information about something that you will possibly never need.  Unless you get jumped, and the person who jumped you says that you can live only if you can tell him information about the Brothers Sinterklaas party and you can tell them everything about it.  You're welcome, I may have just saved your life.

If you would like a more proper education about Sinterklaas you can click here.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Is Skiing in Park City Going to Stay the Same?

Hello everyone, well as everyone knows PCMR and the Canyons have decided to become one big resort.  Also, today was opening day.  I went up today to go skiing with my sister Rachel and brother Joshua.  Today was very interesting, lines were unusually long.  I have a strange feeling that skiing in Park City is going to stay the same.  There is someone that I know that works for Vale and he says that Park City is not going to be the same, he claims it will become a "Vail town".  What he means by Vail town is that we are going to have people coming from all over the world just to ski here, and because we have this corrupted government that is so greedy they are going to start charging twenty bucks for one car to park in their parking lot.
Image Creds to ParkCityPeaks
Although,  I really love Park City for its beautiful scenery and all that it has to offer, I hate the fact that Park City is becoming a Vail town.  Do we really want Sundance traffic all year here?  I don't think so.

Also, we are going to have people here that don't know how to ski.  Now I know that this sounds a little hypocritical because we all are still learning.  The problem that I am showing is that we have beginners going on expert run.   I remember getting off of a lift and there was a beginner just shredding down without any control whatsoever.  He did not know how to turn and then he went on top of me and popped off one of my skis and then I fell and and my leg bent the wrong way and it got a terrible sprain, I was pretty lucky though.

Another story also is that my brothers friend Tyler went up skiing and he said that when he went up there to go skiing that they were some beginners there and he was trying to pass them and they cut him off and it popped off his ski and it hyper extended his leg up to touch his thigh.

I'm not totally sure that Park City is going to be the same. 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Andrew's and Sam's Excellent Adventures

(Andrew and Connor Creds to my sister.)
So, as some of you know I come from a rather large family of six.  And the person I would like to talk about to day is Andrew.  Andrew is a pretty cool kid and with his permission I would like to introduce him to you guys.Well, anyway to get to the point, i'm going to share some stories and adventures about Andrew that he has told me.  So grab the popcorn and curl up in a blanket and sip some tea, because you are about to go on one wild ride. (These stories might include Andrew and his friends, they are not fully centered around Andrew.)

The first story I would like to share with you includes the characters: Sam Taggert, Andrew, and Mr. McNaughton (he was Treasure Mountains old principal, and so play the Sarah McLaughlin music.) So anyway when My brother Andrew was very young he was quite the trouble maker, and he earned the nickname the weasel because he got what ever he wanted. So by getting what ever he wanted was the problem at school because he thought he could do what ever he wanted.  So, one night he and Sam decided to stay late at school that night about four o'clock.  They started to do some weird things like roll under the school lunch tables, and also they tried to open up at the stage, but that did not work out as they planned.  Well, sometime during these unnatural acts, they found Mr. McNaughton. They saw him and he saw them and they had that awkward stare at each-other then they booked it out of there.

Story number two starts with a very young Andrew and a very young Sam.  They were both in the second grade.  It was SSR or silent sustained reading, where you have a book and you must read that book for the amount of time that you have SSR.  Well, Andrew and Sam liked to sit in the keiva up against the filing cabinets, when it was very quiet and the only sound that you could hear was the occasional turning page, Sam's stomach started to grumble.  Then, when he released the beast,  it was so loud that it shook the filing cabinet started to shake.  Sam's face turned red and that was the last time that Andrew or Sam read near a filing cabinet. 

Well that is probably enough embarrassment for one day about two people.  

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Guys Night? Yes it Exists!

Well I just had the chance to go and have fun with all the guys in my family (Dad, Josh, Andrew, and Adam.)  It all started because Andrew wanted to go and have a guys night and then the girls could have a girls night.  It really wasn't planned that well and I had no idea about what was happening, because my quality crappy phone won't let me be part of group messages. My phone gives me enough to be able to be liking pictures on insta, but not enough to let me get the information that I really need to know.

Any way,  We headed up to Wolf Creek up in Ogden Valley, that was supper fun and by the time that we got there it was about six.  We got to the check-in and the girl at the front thought that it was good that some guys were getting away for a day, because she only ever sees girls coming in and getting away from home.  Which is weird because we were getting away from home and some other guys behind us at the check-in were all together so... i'm pretty sure that she was lying to us.  Well we got there and there was a place that we were planning to go to called the "Lone Star" and it was a saloon. And my dad thought that we could be put somewhere far away from the bar.  Far away from the bar to the management was another restaurant.  So that is what we did. Finally, we ended the night playing Phase 10, then, went to bed around twelve.

The next day, we woke up and we got up very slowly.  I was packing up the games and found that I had not played Scrabble in a very long time so Josh and I set it up and then quit when I had a Z and then my dad found himself drawn toward the game so we started playing in teams.  Then after getting bored with that, my brother Andrew and brother-in-law wanted to teach me poker.  So we played black jack and some real poker, as my dad cooked omelets for breakfast. (For any cops reading this blog we did not bet anything of value such as money. So I was being a good boy.)  We then packed up and drove for a while to somewhere and I can't tell you where because I fell asleep.
Yum Cupbop

When I did wake up I found that we were at my brother-in-laws house and then we headed to the Lifetime gym.  Andrew who is yolked, gave me some work out tips and tricks.  We stayed there for about an hour then we went to the Jazz game where they played the Timberwolves and they beat them 89-79 We left at the beginning of the fourth quarter because they were so far ahead, and plus we didn't want to get stuck in the traffic jam.  Oh, yeah i forgot to tell you that we had a Korean BBQ called Cupbop I would definitely eat there again.  Then we got home and I had deja vu for the rest of the night and earlier that Sunday morning.  I do not know why and I don't want to hear your comments about it.  So all in all, I think that it was pretty fun to do guys night, and if you haven't done that in your family I would highly suggest that you do.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Matthew 2016

Ok, so honestly, the only reason about this is because someone is wanting me to, because they are writing why they would be a better president than Kanye.

1.) So here so as you all know I defiantly have real hair and if I was older like you Donald I wouldn't be trying to hide my baldness baldness is the mark of a true man. 
Creds go to static4
Obviously, my hair is more luscious

Creds to MOI
2.) I would make this country even greater.  Trump, face the facts you are super rich and have gone bankrupt four times, how many times have I gone bankrupt? None, and plus if I wanted to get more money I could just shovel old peoples driveways, and it is a win win, you get overly paid for doing thirty minutes of work and if you try to accept less money they will often up your pay, and also they often give out free cookies, you're welcome America.

3.)I'm not racist, face it Trump, you try to cover it up by saying you hate them but then you say that you love them.  Look if your going to, be racist be racist, and all of you and your racist homies can go somewhere else. No one wants you. (Sorry to offend you.) but #sorrynotsorry

4.) You know Donald why is your catch phrase "your fired."  My catch phrase would most defiantly would be "your hired" you know why?  Because if they are good enough to be on reality television I think that they could work for you.  Such as a chef that makes really good french fries because you know french fries are good.

5.)You know instead of that inauguration I think that it would be cooler to do something such as Fancy by Iggy or I could do Single Ladies by my queen BeyoncĂ© because I most defiantly will die alone.  So... Single Ladies might be the best choice just because I could actually dance to that...

6.) Something that I would like to introduce would be my Breakfast Club holiday.  Just because "being bad feels pretty good right?"

7.) If Trump becomes your president your life would be more complicated than it has to be, that is more than enough said.

8.)You know Trump has claimed that he can relate to a average citizen, that is a lie, he has his freaking own private Jet and when I have to fly places I have to listen to all of the crap about how to put on a seatbelt next to two sweaty fat men are breathing down my neck.  And what does Trump get?  His own jet, and he could watch spongebob on a one hundred inch plasm flat screen.  When I have a a five inch screen that has terrible quality.  #firstworldproblems 
It even has his name on it not fair! Creds go to financesonline

There is only a few words I have to say "Fight me Trump."

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Hi name is Matthew and today I have discovered that I am a Nutella addict.  Well anyway all joking aside, I freaking love this stuff, it is like the Gods have given us a divine food that they have an abundance of.  (It must be manna.)   The funny thing is, is that I would see things like these, all the time.
Credit to
 I could never understand things like this because one time I tried Nutella and I thought that it was really disgusting and how could people like something like this it is really terrible, but then today I gave Nutella another chance.  This go round it was wonderful it was like looking into a completely different world full of chocolate, and hazelnuts and milk.  They were all holding hands and then I mixed them all together and ate them.  Glorious.  The only problem is one bite isn't enough you need more you would kill for more.  There is a sudden blood lust for the Nutella.  This Viner puts the feelings I felt into six seconds.

Well, because we are talking about addictions there is another  thing that I have to confess.  I have a stuffed animal named Slush and he is a husky and has been my friend through thick and thin he was my Hobbes and I his Calvin.  When they first start out though they are soft like this.
Creds go to 
and then they end up like this, (after loving them for 13 years.)
Creds go to MOI

I still remember the story of how I got him like it was yesterday (although it may be brief.) Well my mom had told us that if we behaved we could go to the Red Balloon toy store down in Salt Lake so my sister and I behaved like angels.  When we got there late at night my mom said that we could pick one toy and we would go home.  So when I was exploring around in the store this little guy caught my eye and I rushed and went to go tell my mom what I found, and when I got her there she looked at it and thought that it was cute but then looked at the price tag and thought that twenty dollars was to much for this little fellow.  And being three I sat down on the floor and began to weep softly.  Still my mom was not convinced.  But my loving sister being about six at the time came to my rescue and somehow convinced my mom.  I must have fallen asleep on the floor because I can't remember much of the rest but then I walked out of there with this guy and he has gone to Hawaii and back with me.  Well to me this seems like it is enough embarrassment for one person to have in one day, but anyway just to recap I have two dark secrets, Nutella is easily an addictive substance and sisters are pretty cool when they get you what you want.  I guess you could say the moral of the story is that sisters are cool.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

As the Nightmare Comes to a Close

Well hello again everyone!

Well over the past year we have had so much problems for one my mom broke both of her arms when we were doing "Spring Cleaning."  We were doing work outside to get some of the dead grass up, and remove dandy lions.  (Honestly, I don't see how they are so "dandy.")  But anyway you get the gist of it.  So my mom was on the front porch and she turned around and slipped, then fell.  The doctor's said that she knocked the ice cream off of the cone. She soon healed but had to get a plate put in.  She now has all of the rotation back in her hand and can't even tell that she has the plate in.
Knocking the Ice Cream off of the Cone.

 Secondly,  we have one huge nightmare that happened about a year ago.  The monster flood.  Okay so, what happened was my mom, dad, sister, and brother-in-law all went out to go and see a play that was put on.  So my sister and I had the lucky opportunity to go and babysit my Niece (Olivia) and my Nephew (Connor).  I really love to go and see them, but that night I had a strong feeling not to go to babysit, but my parents said that it would be okay and that nothing would happen.  Oh no no no, that is possibly the only time that they have been wrong in my entire life.

So begrudgingly I went to go babysit.  Later, the Schwan's delivery man whom from my dad will by ice cream from every now and again. (FYI their ice cream sandwiches are the best.)  Luckily, he came to the house to see if we were home and if dad needed to stock back up on his ice cream.  He saw water coming down from the light fixtures in the front, and thought, "Wow these Park City people really have some cool water features!"  (Just kidding that is something my dad will say because he thinks it is hilarious...)  Well anyway he went over to our neighbor and asked for my dad's phone number, and he was kind of skeptical to give it to him.  But the Schwan's man said that there was water splashing up against the window and coming out of the light fixture in the front.  Then, he said okay well I will call him, and so he did and we told him how to get in and, he said that there was probably three inches of water on the floors, and it had all started from the toilet supply line that was up in the master bathroom, and we had been gone about three hours.

Well anyway we got there and we called a company that is supposed to help you with floods and cleaning up disasters in Utah. (They shall remain nameless. I'll call them the happy company.)  So anyway they cut small holes in the ceilings and there was so much water in the house, but the happy company decided that they were tired and did not want to work much harder so they put sixteen loud flood fans and three dehumidifiers in our house from all of the sounds happening in our house it was like living in a wind tunnel, it was impossible to even hear yourself think.  But then we started to take out drywall and we would have mini floods.

  There was still so much water in the house.  Also apparently it takes three days for mold to grow and guess what it started to grow! So eventually we moved out of our house and we moved to the West Gate hotel up in the Canyons, and it was really weird because hotels are for vacationing not for flood victims, so Rachel and I would still get up at 6:00a.m because we had to go to school.  If we saw people in the hall though that would be the weirdest thing because they would see us, teenagers that would prefer sleeping in till five wearing backpacks.  And they would be all like "So where you headed off to?" and in reply we would say "School."  They always seemed shocked to hear that.

  But it was pretty cool to stay there because free pool and other fun things. But eventually we moved to a condo and have been staying there for a while, (a year is a while right?)  But now it seems things are moving faster and we are tomorrow (September 30 2015) going to move in to our house or another cheaper condo.  Well we will see.  Hope the nightmare ends soon.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Hey everyone!

First of all I would just like to welcome you to my blog!  Well, I have finally decided my blog will be almost like a journal, and I would like to record my thoughts and what happened pretty recently in my life, but only things that would be appropriate to share with anyone.  Speaking on the subject of what would be appropriate to share online with people, I feel that this world is so technology based. Don't get me wrong and jump to the conclusion that I think that the internet is a terrible thing, because in many ways it is quite a blissful thing that makes our lives easier in so many ways. Any way back to what I was saying, I feel that our lives our so centered around the internet and blogging and posting just about anything that we want or can to, when in reality we should not be posting these things.  I mean it is so simple for someone to find our blogs click on it, and read all about our lives.  Many of the things that we post on blogs and anywhere else on social media has to much information.  I mean people have lost their jobs and other terrible things have come across because people will post images or other words that could be catastrophic  to others lives.  So this being my first post I challenge EVERYONE reading this to NOT post personal information or damaging photos or words that could hurt others. 

Off of that note now.  Well anyway I was also thinking about how amazing this world of man has come to be.  It is truly amazing what people have invented and what we have been able to learn because just think about it, we have something in the palm of our hands that is able to find almost anything that you want at the click of a button.  Really truly amazing, but my personal favorite is the long-board.  I love to long-board.  I personally am fond of it better than skate boarding because you have a smoother ride and you get to downhill swifter.  Here is my long-board that I ride.

Jaseboard Drop a discontinued board but you can look at other boards here
Picture courtesy of

Lastly, as another athletic thing I love and enjoy to ski.  There is someone I know named Jackson and he is an older fellow and he as a ski shop that I love to go to because he will let me rent and demo skis for him.  But any way one of the biggest reasons that I ski is because I am the youngest of six, and I started skiing since I was able to walk, and I love my parents for teaching me how to ski.  I have always been into alpine skiing but I have soon been able to learn how to cross country ski and have been going into the park.  My dad also is pretty cool because if I am able to keep my grades up he lets me ditch (Shhhhh… don’t tell.) 

All in all I want to share things that are appropriate, I love to longboard, and love to ski.